Defining Endodontists and Their Work.

Endodontists are dentists who specialize in dental care that involves the teeth's soft inner tissue of the teeth known as the pulp. "Endodontic" is derived from the Greek words,"endo," which means inside, and "odont," which means tooth. All dentists have training in diagnosis and endodontic therapy, but when teeth are particularly challenging, the patient is often referred to an endodontic specialist. Aside from dental school, endodontists complete at least two more years of studies in this type of treatment. This is why dentists usually entrust their patients to endodontists when necessary.
Endodontic Treatment or Root Canal Therapy
In endodontic treatment, also known as root canal therapy, the patient will be given a local anesthetic. Visit schedule an appointment to learn more about Dentist.  A sheet made of latex (sometimes non-latex) called a "rubber dam" is then positioned around the problem tooth to isolate it, thereby maintaining its cleanliness and dryness during treatment. The whole therapy involves three or key basic steps, but the patient may have to come back to the clinic as frequently as needed by the specific case. In most cases, only one follow-up visit is required, but sometimes, the dentist may advise two or three more, depending on how well the site is healing. As always, there are no guarantees with root canal or endodontic therapy, but this treatment is known for its very high success rate.
Diagnosing and Treating the Pain
There are times when oral pain, such as toothaches, fractured teeth, etc., can be challenging to pinpoint. This is because of the large network of nerves supporting the mouth, which sometimes causes the pain of a certain tooth to be mistaken as coming from a perfectly healthy tooth, or sometimes from the ear, neck or head. An endodontist is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of such type of pain.
Traumetic Injury Therapy
Pulp damage may be caused by a sudden physical force to the mouth, and an endodontist is a specialist in treating this kind of traumatic injury. For more info on Dentist, click  For instance, such a blow to a child's underdeveloped permanent tooth can prevent the root from growing completely. But through a procedure known as apexification, bone is stimulated such that it is deposited at the inner tip of the root, hence saving it through root canal therapy. This, as well as replanting teeth which may have been forcibly removed from their sockets as a result of the injury, is another specialty of endodontists.
So aside from the obvious signs, how do you know if you need to see an endodontist? The only time to see an endodontist is when your dentist refers you to one, or when there is no other non-specializing dentist available to you. Learn more from

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